Youth Think Tank + Barefoot Bowls ‘n’ Sausage Sizzle

Strategic Community Plan Review 2020 Youth Workshop

Youth Think Tank + Barefoot Bowls ‘n’ Sausage Sizzle, East Fremantle Bowling Club, Fri 9 Oct, 10.00am

RSVP here…

YOUth wanted! East Fremantle’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 is being reviewed.

YOUth input will help improve the quality of the review of the current Strategic Community Plan. YOU, and your friends, are the future of the Town, and we know you have a swag of ideas for the future of the Town. Please share!

YOU’RE invited to a Think Tank followed by Barefoot Bowls & a Sausage Sizzle .

A Strategic Community Plan is a long-term (10+ years) planning document that captures the community’s vision, values and priorities for the future. It summarises key strategies in order to focus on achieving these ambitions. The current plan can be viewed on the Town’s website.

RSVP here…

You can also be involved by completing the Strategic Community Plan Review Survey – online soon! The survey closes 4pm, 16 October 2020.